Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Molten Chocolate Cake

For my family when they came over to Adelaide

Okay one thing you should know about me is that I always have dessert after dinner :) Everytime I want to whip up something quick, this is the recipe I go back to, time and time again. It's not the PERFECT molten chocolate cake/chocolate lava cake, but for something you can make in 10 minutes (excluding baking time), you really can't expect any better.

100 g dark chocolate
100 g unsalted butter
2 large eggs
50 g caster sugar
30 g self-raising flour

1. Preheat oven to 180C.
2. Melt chocolate and butter in a bowl in a microwave. Be careful not to burn the chocolate!
3. In a large bowl, whisk eggs and sugar until pale and frothy.
4. Pour melted chocolate and butter into the egg. Mix until just combined, then stir in flour.
5. Grease ramekins with melted butter and coat with cocoa powder. Fill up to about 3/4 full.
6. Bake for 10-11 minutes.
7. Remove from the oven and let cool for 1 minute. Loosen edges of ramekin with a knife and gently invert. Or if you can't be bothered, just eat it straight off the ramekin!



  1. good job w the blog =D just thought i'll leave a comment :) my mom likes making this too. somehow, we can keep in in the fridge and microwave and some will still be gooey <3 emily

  2. thanks for your support em :)

    need to try your mum's recipe! molten choc cake can usually be kept in the fridge and you can bake it anytime, just add 1 or 2 mins to baking time i think. your mum uses the microwave to make it at home?

  3. oh, i meant after we baked them in the oven, we keep the excess baked lil cakes in the fridge. use microwave to warm it up :)

  4. haha oops. i c.. actually these things can be kept in the fridge unbaked. but takes some time to pre-heat the oven again. microwaving is a gd idea!
